UT paper seeks to be independent; Students fear interference by Kapoor

By Joshua Benton Blade Staff Writer Page 13 The student newspaper at the University of Toledo is hoping to become independent from the university administration, in part because it fears editorial interference from President Vik Kapoor. “The staff has a strong fear that the university wants to turn this into Vik Kapoor’s propaganda paper,” said […]

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UT appoints dean of newest college

By Joshua Benton Blade Staff Writer Page 15 The University of Toledo’s newest college finally has its first permanent dean. Jerome Sullivan, interim dean of the college of health and human services, is being given the permanent post, the university said yesterday. “He’s an outstanding dean,” said UT President Dr. Vik Kapoor. “I’m very pleased […]

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Law schools cut enrollment to attract the best, brightest; UT follows others’ lead in try to boost prestige

By Joshua Benton Blade Staff Writer Page A13 In 1997, the University of Miami school of law in Florida made an unusual announcement: It was going to reduce its enrollment by a third, voluntarily cutting millions out of its budget. “The idea was that the students you have left would have a better experience as […]

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UT trustees seek cease-fire

By Joshua Benton Blade Staff Writer Page 1 The University of Toledo’s board of trustees wants to get beyond its sometimes rancorous relationship with the faculty, several trustees said at a strategic planning retreat yesterday. “It’s like going through marriage counseling,” said Trustee Joan Uhl Browne. “It’s not going to do us any good to […]

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Is UT’s Langenderfer a bully or just a misunderstood leader? Controversial chairman stirs emotions

By Joshua Benton Blade Staff Writer Page A1 When Ronald Langenderfer joined the University of Toledo board of trustees in 1993, he had lunch with faculty leaders. “One of the first things he said was ‘You know, the most severe problem higher education has today is tenure,’” remembered Dr. Carlton DeFosse. “That went over like […]

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UT lets editor of Collegian keep Blade job; Exception granted on policy that governs 4 campus posts

By Joshua Benton Blade Staff Writer Page 1 The University of Toledo decided yesterday to let the editor of the campus newspaper keep an outside job at The Blade, ending a week-long controversy that featured accusations of university censorship. “I think the whole thing was silly,” said Keith Tarjanyi, editor-in-chief of the Collegian. “It was […]

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Editor of Collegian asks for permission to keep Blade job

By Joshua Benton Blade Staff Writer Page 13 The editor of the University of Toledo’s student newspaper formally asked yesterday that the university not make him quit a part-time job at The Blade. Keith Tarjanyi, editor-in-chief of the Collegian, made the request in a letter sent to Edward Willis, the dean of students. Mr. Tarjanyi […]

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UT defends call for Collegian editor to quit Blade; Official says action isn’t related to campus newspaper’s editorials

By Joshua Benton Blade Staff Writer Page 1 A top University of Toledo official says there is no connection between a stinging series of editorials published in the student newspaper and a demand that its editor quit a part-time job at The Blade. “We have a policy that appears to have been violated,” said Dr. […]

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