Patriotic ribbons not on the menu

Thursday, September 20, 2001
Page 25A

Patriotic ribbons not on the menu

Rules are rules. A policy at Snuffer’s restaurants prohibits employees from adorning their uniforms with anything – even red, white and blue ribbons. That rubbed some cheese-fries connoisseurs the wrong way.

Dozens of patrons demanded an explanation. “We’ve gotten e-mails saying ‘Snuffer’s supports bin Laden,'” said owner Pat Snuffer, a Vietnam veteran. “It’s been very hurtful.”

His account: He does not want employees wearing “ragged, dog-eared ribbons.”

“It’s my business, and that’s the way it’s going to be,” he said.

As a patriotic gesture, though, Mr. Snuffer plans to have small American flags embroidered onto employee aprons.

–Joshua Benton