City, UT police accord to get council attention

By Joshua Benton
Blade Staff Writer

Page 9

University of Toledo police could have extra powers to enforce Toledo laws, if the city council approves a new mutual-aid agreement during its meeting tomorrow.

UT police now have the ability to enforce state laws, including many traffic restrictions, throughout Lucas County, because of agreements between the university and other area governments.

But the new agreement, reached through negotiations over the last several months, would allow UT officers to enforce city laws in a restricted area. City leaders say the change would allow better police action against problems such as noisy off-campus student parties.

“This will allow a more proactive stance on complaints of nuisance,” Toledo police Chief Michael Navarre said.

The university police’s new powers would be effective in a defined area, bounded by Byrne, Secor, and Douglas roads, Bancroft and Dorr streets, Parkside and Kenwood boulevards, and Hill Avenue.

The areas would include the southern portion of the Old Orchard neighborhood, all of Bancroft Hills, and Secor Gardens.

The agreement removes certain powers that UT police have in the rest of Toledo, including the ability to enforce state laws as far away as Point Place or East Toledo.

But that change would have no real effect, because a separate mutual-aid agreement with Lucas County Sheriff James Telb allows UT police that power throughout the entire county, including all of Toledo. That power would not be affected by the new city accord.

University officials have approved the agreement, and the city council is expected to do the same at its 4 p.m. meeting tomorrow. In addition, the council will consider:

* Starting eminent domain proceedings against three property owners whose homes must be acquired by the city for the Jeep project. Council has postponed action on the proceedings for months, as council members have tried to reach a mediated settlement with the homeowners.

But council President Peter Ujvagi said at the council’s last meeting that he will support eminent domain at tomorrow’s meeting if medi ation efforts meet with no success. The council is expected to follow his lead.

* Mayor Carty Finkbeiner’s proposed 60-day moratorium against commercial demolitions. The 60 days would be used to creates rules and guidelines aimed at preserving historic structures throughout the city.

Council will hold a public hearing at 3 p.m. tomorrow to address citizens’ concerns about the moratorium.