Fisher: Clinton merits censure; Taft: Decision’s up to the House

By Joshua Benton and James Drew
Blade Columbus Bureau

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COLUMBUS — Democratic gubernatorial candidate Lee Fisher wants President Clinton to face some sort of rebuke from Congress for the Lewinsky affair.

His opponent, Republican Bob Taft, wasn’t so definite.

Mr. Fisher described the President’s conduct “not only inappropriate, but inexcusable, and literally indefensible.”

He said that a censure or some kind of congressional statement was “necessary,” but that the President should not be removed from office.

“From what I have seen, the evidence does not merit impeachment,” he said.

Mr. Fisher addressed the Clinton issue after speaking to a conference of children’s issues advocates yesterday.

After his own speech to the conference, Mr. Taft declined to say what he believes should happen to Mr. Clinton.

“I’m not a member of Congress,” Mr. Taft said. “In my view, the President has really lost his credibility, lost his ability to lead, but he has to consider very carefully what is best for the country, and that could include resignation.”

“[It is the job of the House] to determine what is the appropriate penalty.”