Children Services gets U.S. honor for adoption excellence

By Joshua Benton
Blade Staff Writer

Page 25

In America today, a child placed in foster care waits an average of 14 months before finding an adoptive home.

In Lucas County, the average wait is 8 1/2 months.

That performance has earned the county’s Children Services Board an award from the federal government.

At a White House ceremony yesterday, CSB received the Adoption 2002 Excellence Award for its efforts in decreasing the time a child waits for adoption.

“We’ve been very aggressive in our efforts to give children a permanent home,” said agency spokesman Bob Sweeney.

The board will place about 200 children into adoptive homes this year – more than in any other county in the state. Mr. Sweeney gave credit to CSB’s employees.

“We have a very aggressive staff, a staff that’s very caring and wants to see children get into permanent homes,” he said.

An independent study released in September had similar praise for the agency’s adoption record.

“[CSB’s] performance in achieving permanency for children represents a level other agencies across the country strive to attain,” the report, prepared by a New York-based consulting firm, said.

President Clinton presented the award at a ceremony during which he signed legislation aimed at speeding up the adoption process.