Time fleeting for Glenn’s COSI questioners

By Joshua Benton Blade Columbus Bureau Page 3 COLUMBUS — Pity poor Lindsey McCulloch. She’d been waiting for weeks for this moment. Lindsey, 12 and earthbound, would send her voice up to the stars, off satellites and transponders, and right into the ear of John Glenn. She had been one of a half-dozen honor students […]

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Lawmaker under fire for letter; Appeal for funds raises foe’s concern

By Joshua Benton Blade Columbus Bureau Page 16 COLUMBUS — State Rep. Bill Taylor (R., Norwalk) has been under severe criticism for a fund-raising letter that appears to promise lobbyists access in exchange for a donation to his re-election campaign. “I can’t believe he has stooped this low,” said his 63rd House District opponent, Democrat […]

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Democrats cry foul on state GOP’s use of funding loophole

By Joshua Benton Blade Columbus Bureau Page 3 COLUMBUS — Two statewide Republican candidates, well ahead in the polls, have used a loophole in state elections law to dump more than $100,000 worth of television airtime into the campaigns of more vulnerable Republican candidates. It’s a loophole because state law prohibits statewide candidates from giving […]

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Plan offered to collect tardy taxes; Candidate Donofrio proposes program

By Joshua Benton Blade Columbus Bureau Page 3 COLUMBUS — Yesterday, seven days before the election, John Donofrio, Democratic state treasurer candidate, proposed a program that he said would help counties collect $100 million in delinquent property taxes and make that money available to schools and local governments. But critics said the proposal doesn’t make […]

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Cordray hopes negative ads will gain on Montgomery

By Joshua Benton Blade Columbus Bureau Page 3 COLUMBUS — Democrat Richard Cordray, trailing badly in polls in the Ohio attorney general’s race, displayed three negative ads he hopes will draw him closer in the race with incumbent Betty Montgomery. “I have to make sure that people realize the mistakes Betty Mont gomery has made, […]

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Full slate of down-ballot races; Candidates say experience is key to being treasurer

By Joshua Benton Blade Staff Writer Page B1 COLUMBUS — The way John Donofrio sees it, this year’s state treasurer race should come down to experience – namely, his 19 year’s as treasurer of Summit County. The way Joe Deters sees it, that sort of experience is next to useless, because the state treasurer’s job […]

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Secretary of State ad is called misleading; Complaint filed with elections board

By Joshua Benton Blade Columbus Bureau Page 3 COLUMBUS — The woman who wants to be Ohio’s chief elections official is accusing her opponent of an advertising infraction. Charleta Tavares, Democratic candidate for secretary of state, filed a complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission yesterday against Republican Ken Blackwell. The complaint alleges that a Blackwell […]

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Taft still has $4 million, Fisher $632,000 for ads; Candidates file reports

By Joshua Benton Blade Columbus Bureau Page 3 COLUMBUS — Heading into the stretch run of the governor’s race, Republican Bob Taft has more than six times as much money in the bank as Democrat Lee Fisher, according to campaign finance reports filed yesterday. The enormous gap is somewhat misleading because Mr. Fisher has already […]

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